It’s finally spring, and many people have spring cleaning on the brain! You may not think about spring cleaning your fence, but doing so has several benefits. At the very least, keeping your fence clean and clear of debris helps maintain it and keep your fence functioning perfectly. You’ll also get the added benefit of keeping your curb appeal high, potentially increasing the value of your home. Plus, a fully-functioning fence keeps your property safer and more private. This allows you to sunbathe while your children and pets run freely, without worrying about your neighbors looking in! Wondering what you need to do to take care of your fence this spring? Here are some of our top tips for spring cleaning your fence!
1. Clear Overgrown Foliage and Problem Tree Branches
The first thing you want to do is make sure your fence is safe from falling tree branches. Over the winter months, some tree limbs on your property may have become weakened due to high winds, heavy snow, and other storm conditions. If there is a tree overhanging your fence that you are worried about, it’s best to clear away any droopy branches so they don’t end up falling on your fence and damaging it. You may want to trim back any bushes or shrubs that have grown too close to your fence so everything looks neat and there is more room for healthy growth.
2. Wash Your Fence
After your fence is cleared from any shrubs and overhanging branches, you’ll want to wash your fence. Over time, grime and debris can build up on your fence, especially after the winter. A good powerwash should leave your fence looking clean and crisp. If your fence is vinyl, you can use some warm water and a rag (or sponge) and scrub at the harder to get places, like in between slats or in the corners. If you have a metal fence, check to make sure there are no rusted areas. If you do notice rust, call a professional to treat the area. You’ll be surprised at the transformation a good fence cleaning can do!
3. Inspect Your Fence for Damages
Winter weather can be rough on any of your outdoor structures, including your fence, so spring is a perfect time to do a maintenance check! Walk around the perimeter of your fence and check to make sure the locks and gates work. If your gate is squeaky, that may be an easy fix with some lubricant. You also want to make sure all the endcaps are intact and that there aren’t any bent or damaged slats.
Spring Clean Your Fence Today!
At Family Fence, our experienced professionals can advise you on the best ways to keep your fence looking spectacular and functioning perfectly. Whether you need repairs, replacements, or just some help spring cleaning your fence! We are here to answer all your questions and provide our expert services when necessary. Don’t forget to reach out with all your fencing needs this spring and all year round!
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